Monday, February 22, 2010


Why is it that the last semester is the hardest? I know that they always say the first step is the hardest, but I call BS on that! I am in my last semester of college and I feel like I am going crazy. Maybe the problem is that it is a last step and a first step in one fell knock-you-on-your-ass swoop. I have no idea what I'm doing or where we are going to live in May. Me and Peter, and 3 horses, a dog two cats a rabbit a gerbil and a boat load of stuff! We don't know about jobs, housing, or anything that spells S-E-C-U-R-I-T-Y. Not to mention that the classes I am taking are not only rediculous in scope, but also in content! STUPID I tell you! Ugh, you always hear abou tpeople having a coasting last semester...where is mine?


On the other hand, I am having a very good horsey time. I got my mare back, and she is the best! She hasn't been touched in a year, and it's like I just rode her last week. It is gratifying to know that all of the work I did stuck!

Yesterday I rode Elly's baby Ony for the fifth time and he was such a good little boy. We keep challenging and pushing him and he always rises to the occasion. Of course, he has now decided he will only stand still if he can turn his head to my foot and get lovins....Im okay with that, but we will work on just standing still. He is your typical Arab, though. I mean, they are all different people, but they all learn at an alarming rate under the right touch and level of understanding. I think that all of the problems people have with Arabs arise because they teach them bad habbits without even knowing it. If you ensure that they get a good solid foundation of only learning good things...this is done by understanding bad behavior and knowing what leads up to it...they will be the best horse you have ever owned. The horse you put your children on because your quarter horse is having a bad hair day, and the horse you put your greeny husband on because the horse will teach him how to ride. I love arabs, and I can't wait to have more of my own.

This circles back to Sissy because I have all but convinced myself to breed her Arab. Yes she is a quarter horse, and yes these troubled times are bad for hobby breeding, but I think it would be perfect. I know from past ex[eriences that I can sell Quarabs to anyone...ranchers, show people, endurance riders....I sense a niche market and I am going to jump in. The only thing that is difficult is that I would want to keep that baby. Funny it is easier for me to sell a quarter baby than an arab baby...but who could blame me?